[whatwg] Backend Implementation
Jacob Villarreal
2016-10-06 11:38:11 UTC
On your last reply:Have you read https://wiki.whatwg.org/wiki/FAQ#Is_there_a_process_for_adding_new_features_to_a_specification.3F ? In particular, it seems you've jumped straight to step 7. Can you instead start with steps 1 and 2, and describe the problems you are trying to solve? As far as I can tell they are something to do with databases and having a specific existing server-side architecture full of .frm files that you need to adapt to, and other files that I think you want to display inline. There are well-studied solutions for these sort of problems, and I'd encourage you to first describe your problem in detail, so that we can guide you toward existing solutions.

Hey Domenic,I'm trying to get some information on how to implement some new tags/attributes on the backend.  I would like to know if my only option is the use case discussion, or if there are other resources for getting it done.  I don't think what I proposed would require an existing server-side architecture full of .frm files.  I've sent out some other messages, you can find them on the mail archive to get a better picture of what I proposed as a solution for form, and menu creation in html.  The .frm/.mnu files can be created by means of a simple text editor, like with html.  They are created with the source paths for content.  The source is called up by means of a source tag, and redirected for storage by means of a destination tag.  It's really simple, but I'm not sure if it would require a full specification to be implemented by the html guys, www guys, or what.  Let me know what you think.Thanks,Jacob
Domenic Denicola
2016-10-06 13:58:55 UTC
Post by Jacob Villarreal
I'm trying to get some information on how to implement some new tags/attributes on the backend.  I would like to know if my only option is the use case discussion, or if there are other resources for getting it done.
Yes, we aren't interested in adding features to HTML without use cases.
Post by Jacob Villarreal
It's really simple, but I'm not sure if it would require a full specification to be implemented by the html guys, www guys, or what.
To be clear, we only add features to the spec that have use cases and interest in being implemented in at least two major browser engines. (Those are the most important steps of the process I linked you to.) So there is nothing really simple about this; adding features to the web platform is generally a multi-year effort that involves convincing a lot of people that what you want is (a) important; (b) cannot be accomplished any other way; (c) will be used by lots of people (on the same order as existing features of the web); (d) is something browser engine engineers want to spend their resources on.

From what I gather, you have some new markup language and server-side system that you want to get everyone to use, but it's unclear why: that is, it's unclear what the use cases are, and whether they could be solved in any other way using existing web platform technolo
Jacob Villarreal
2016-10-06 14:52:01 UTC
Hello Domenic,Thanks for responding.  I think I've discussed this too much as it is.  I didn't know it was so difficult to get anything done.  I've gotten all mixed up at this point.  I guess there are several options in getting this implemented.  By internet server script update, browser driver/script update, or by user agent update.  So I think I'll let this one go for now, until I have more resources to get it done.Thanks,Jacob
Post by Jacob Villarreal
I'm trying to get some information on how to implement some new tags/attributes on the backend.  I would like to know if my only option is the use case discussion, or if there are other resources for getting it done.
Yes, we aren't interested in adding features to HTML without use cases.
Post by Jacob Villarreal
It's really simple, but I'm not sure if it would require a full specification to be implemented by the html guys, www guys, or what.
To be clear, we only add features to the spec that have use cases and interest in being implemented in at least two major browser engines. (Those are the most important steps of the process I linked you to.) So there is nothing really simple about this; adding features to the web platform is generally a multi-year effort that involves convincing a lot of people that what you want is (a) important; (b) cannot be accomplished any other way; (c) will be used by lots of people (on the same order as existing features of the web); (d) is something browser engine engineers want to spend their resources on.

From what I gather, you have some new markup language and server-side system that you want to get everyone to use, but it's unclear why: that is, it's unclear what the use cases are, and whether they could be solved in any other way using existing web platform technologies. So you need to start there.